For those keeping track, this is the fourth of five ships/bodies that Solace has mentioned. I wonder if we’ll be seeing number five before the series ends…
Sol: *sigh*
Sol: You know, I never actually said I was in the military.
Tachelock: No, I’ll admit, you were very good at never actually saying anything.
Sol: Okay fine, point taken.
Sol: Actually, you know what?
Sol: Given our surroundings, maybe this really is the right place for a story like this.
Sol: So then, my time in the military or my worst job…
Sol: Well… they’re both kind of the same story, I guess.
Sol: But to really make sense of it, first you need to hear about my best job.
Sol: And that, without a doubt, was when I was installed in The Solace of The Stars Beyond.