Boring science is is the worst.
Posts authored by Merlin
22.11 The Right Place
For those keeping track, this is the fourth of five ships/bodies that Solace has mentioned. I wonder if we’ll be seeing number five before the series ends…
22.10. We Wait
The one advantage of being trapped in a collapsed bar.
22.9. Sentimental Reasons
200th Episode! Woot Woot! And also – Merry Christmas!
22.8. Dinged Up
It’s a fair question.
22.7. Working Theory
Seems like a pretty solid theory.
22.6. Rebooting
See? Basically fine. For two of the cast at least.
22.5. System Error
This is fine.
22.4. Comedy Gold
Looks like a classic case of mistaken attempted-assassination.
22.3. Hilarious Fun
Not even… slightly hilarious?