Two quick bits of business! First up, as the not-so-subtle hints in this week’s strips have suggested, All Knowledge Is Strange is ending. I have a farewell sequence of strips planned so that a few of the regular cast members can get to say their goodbyes, but expect the series to wrap fully at some point in the next few weeks. Fear not though, gentle readers – you will not be without your usual dose of E-merl comics for very long. I have a brand new weekly series by the name of 100 Planets all prepped and ready to run in AKiS’s place. I’ve been quite touched by all the kind comments from regular readers expressing distress at the series’ conclusion – I hope you’ll all stick around and give 100 Planets a try. I can promise you it’ll be just as strange a trip, even if the giraffes will be singing in a slightly different key.
Secondly, I have at the last minute discovered that I am sharing a table with Douglas Noble at this year’s Web & Mini Comix Thing. That’s this Saturday 27th March in good old London town (Mile End, to be more specific). I imagine there shall be the usual small press shenanigans afoot and that those who enjoy such things would be well served by popping along to say hello. Were you to slip me a crisp £8 note during the event, I might even be persuaded to part with a personalised copy of my new, full colour Brain Fist trade paperback. See at least a few of you there, I hope!
1 Comment
Thanks for the good times! All positive words go right back at you. As soon as 100 planets is up, I will bookmark it and keep a print of the URL tattooed on my chest in case I would loose my memory in a car accident. And as soon as my counterfeit 100$ bills are perfected i will make sure to buy at least 1 copy of brain fist.