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7. Your Full Attention

7. Your Full Attention published on 14 Comments on 7. Your Full Attention

Be attentive or be somewhere else? Roll a six-sided dice and post the result to the comments thread or tweet it to @merlism. Rolls will be tallied on Thursday and the result shown on Friday. And for bonus points this week – describe your dice! Dots or Numbers? Rounded corners or sharp? Is it blue? I bet it’s blue.



Also, will we see more choices in the future? So far, our dice can only choose between two choices, and that is rather restrictive in my opinion. I enjoy the comic, and its interactivity with the fanbase, but a wider range of choices would be welcomed. 🙂

DireGyrfalcon wins extra bonus points for being the first person to describe their dice!

And yes, more choices are on the cards – they’re harder because every time I add a choice I have to write an extra outcome (the only way to stay on top of deadlines for the strip is write both possible outcomes and then wait to see which one is selected).

The rolls are closed!

We had 12 rolls in the comments this week and 2 more via twitter.

We also discovered the kind of dice readers roll, that some roll rings and some roll purest science, which is awfully exciting.

The final tally:

1-3: 10 rolls.
4-6: 2 rolls.

So it’s a landslide towards being attentive! Let’s see what that means for Bea tomorrow.

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