Welcome one and all to E-merl version 6.0. The new site design launches officially on Tuesday next week, but I decided to get everything up a few days early so I could test stuff out properly. As you can see we’re fully tricked out in WordPress now, which I guess means I’ll be doing a bit of – gasp! – blogging in this space here.
You may also have noticed the big ol’ strip taking up the top of the page called All Knowledge Is Strange. This is the series that’ll be replacing the much-missed Brain Fist. It’ll be updating – second gasp! – twice-weekly here at E-merl on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting next week.
So be sure and tune in on Tuesday for the new design’s official launch and the first instalment of the new series. And some more blogging, I guess. If I can think of anything else to say.