200th Episode! Woot Woot! And also – Merry Christmas!
Tachelock: Oh, do you like it? New alt mode. Well, technically an old one.
Tachelock: Emergency structural support beam.
Tachelock: Really glad I kept it in my database.
Sol: I thought you deleted all your old alt modes?
Tachelock: I do. Most of them, anyway. But there’s a few I keep around for, you know. Sentimental reasons.
Sol: You get sentimental over being an emergency structural support beam?
Tachelock: Sure. Like, there’s this one sentiment in particular? It goes something like:
Tachelock: “Oh no, I really don’t want either myself or my lovely bartender to be crushed to death by this swiftly descending ceiling.”
Sol: Okay, okay, I get it.
Sol: Don’t look a gift beam in the mouth when the roof is caving in