Well there you go – I’m sure Tachelock will be on his best behaviour for the rest of the series.
Tachelock: How many humans have you killed?
Mechra: Just humans? I don’t know. Lots.
Tachelock: Come on – you must have some subroutine keeping score somewhere?
Mechra: Oh, “must” I?
Tachelock: Eep!
Mechra: Please – tell me some more things I “must” do.
Mechra: I’m simply fascinated to hear what you think they might be.
Tachelock: I… I have no further opinions! On anything! At all! Ever! Sorry!
Mechra: Good. Because my people perfected the art of murder when your inventors were still fucking each other in trees.
Mechra: I don’t count the number of people I’ve killed – I count the civilisations.
Mechra: Which, by the way, is seven point five.