Wait… where did August go? It’s been a busy month here at E-merl and today we’re bringing our summer touring season to a conclusion with an appearance at Low Energy Day as part of London Underground Comics in Camden Lock. Come say hello if you’re passing and I’ll have copies of the new Rule Of Death, Necessary Monsters and All Knowledge Is Strange mini-comics on hand to entertain you.
Taking a quick look around the Internet at my electronic footprint over the summer reveals a report from the panel I was on at San Diego (“So You Want To Do A Graphic Novel?”) and a photographic account of my part in The Caption Comics Collective gallery show in Oxford, courtesy of Matt Brooker. I also did another interview to promote Necessary Monsters at CBR and there’s this con report from San Diego which lets the cat out of the bag about what I’m writing at Marvel next. Which I shouldn’t really link to I suppose, but I’m going to and then pretend that I didn’t. If anyone wants to see some pages of artwork from said unnamed-on-this-blog project, just provide the secret E-merl handshake at Camden and I’ll hook you up.