Alas, zebroid tea – so near and yet so far.
Posts categoriezed as Ghosts Of The Great Mistake
1. Being King
Welcome back, folks! After year-and-a-bit away from making webcomics, normal service has at last been resumed at E-merl. Ghosts of the Great Mistake is my new series, updating with a new episode every Tuesday. For news of what I’ve been up to while I was away, here’s a little update.
Ghosts of the Great Mistake
Something went wrong and everybody died. For the unquiet spirits of the fallen kingdom, this much at least is certain. But what was the nature of the Great Mistake? Could it possibly have been avoided? And just whose fault was the whole thing anyway? Ghosts of the Great Mistake is E-merl’s new weekly webcomic series, updating with a new ghostly tale every Tuesday.