And that’s us done. A massive thank you to everyone who’s stuck with us during the five (5!) years it’s taken to complete our little tale of a piano player that refused to stay dead. My biggest thanks must of course go to Douglas, who’s illustrative genius made the whole series possible in the first place. I hope everyone’s enjoyed their stay with Pete and company and that you’ll all join me today in raising a glass of something suitably celebratory for the grand finale. Cheers, folks!
Posts categoriezed as The Rule Of Death
12:7. That Music
My, that’s a familiar looking silhouette behind that piano…
Illustrated by Douglas Noble.
12:6. Nice Doggie?
I’m still amazed Jasper made it all the way through the series without Douglas drawing in some horrible fate for him. Maybe Tallulah is his distant, distant doggie descendent? She’s certainly got a familiar name…
Illustrated by Douglas Noble.
12:5. Bigger Questions
Can you guess who she’s talking about? If you can’t, you’re really very bad at guessing.
Illustrated by Douglas Noble.
12:4. Here & Here
Douglas chose Saraswati’s name, by the way. I wonder where he got it from?
Illustrated by Douglas Noble.
12:3. First Letter
In the future, everyone communicates by abstract dance, via the use of remotely controlled robot exoskeletons.
Illustrated by Douglas Noble.
12:2. Ripples
12:1. Bethany Arcology
(Yes, it’s a Sim City 2000 reference.)
Illustrated by Douglas Noble.
12. Epilogue
Our last title page! Why, it seems like just five years ago we were putting up our first one.
Illustrated by Douglas Noble.
11:55. Walking On
The End. …okay, there’s also the epilogue that starts next week. So… Almost The End.
Illustrated by Douglas Noble.