They have a lot of staircases.
Your Majesty!
We don’t usually see you down in this part of the castle.
Yes, I think I must have got a little turned around at the last staircase.
And then there was that odd noise…
Yes. That one.
Have we… have we met before?
No, your Majesty. Not one to one, as it were. I’m the Royal Torturer.
The Royal… oh. I… I wasn’t aware we still employed a torturer.
Well, it’s mostly a ceremonial position these days.
And that noise?
It’s a very… integral part of the ceremony.
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[…] the times in my life when I really needed that extra bit of sanity. I think it was somewhere around episode 106 that I originally decided to start teasing out a storyline that might bring a conclusion to the […]