If a line of arguement exists, you’ll usually find Tache and Sol on opposite ends of it.
Tachelock: You can’t be serious?
Sol: I know, it’s daft. It’s not like ladder safety is really that hard. You just-
Tachelock: No, I mean they can’t seriously expect HEDBØT to have to pass ladder safety.
Sol: What? Why not?
Tachelock: Isn’t it obvious? Because he’s a floating head!
Tachelock: I mean, he doesn’t have any limbs! Why would he ever need to use a ladder?
Sol: Well if you take that line of argument, then none of us would need to pass ladder safety.
Tachelock: Exactly! How many robots do we even know that still use a limb-based motive system?
JEDCØP: Amble-ator 3000. Climbotron Alpha. Climbotron Beta. Ladderbot274.