It’s like when you’re phone is running low on batteries. Except, you know, with immenent death as a potential outcome.
X2: Really? You er… you don’t exactly look like you’re operating at peak efficiency.
JEDCØP: “Peak?” No, JEDCØP would not say “peak.”
JEDCØP: JEDCØP is operating at… “an” efficiency.
X2: Low energy day, huh?
JEDCØP: Extremely. JEDCØP’s charging unit is experiencing a fault.
X2: Oh! Sorry JED, that must be difficult to manage.
JEDCØP: Increasingly so, yes.
JEDCØP: Being of non-local temporal origin, JEDCØP’s charging ports do not conform to any common galactic standards.
JEDCØP: And the more traffic to the gate declines, the harder it becomes to source appropriate replacement parts.