2.4. Old Fashioned
“These robots… they all meet in a bar, right? But none of them have got any arms or mouths? So… what do they drink? How do they drink?” And so, episode 2.4.
Comics, Webcomics & Hypercomics by Daniel Merlin Goodbrey
“These robots… they all meet in a bar, right? But none of them have got any arms or mouths? So… what do they drink? How do they drink?” And so, episode 2.4.
Hello foreshadowing of future story lines!
This isn’t Tuesday – it’s actually a complex simulation based on an algorithmic calculation more precise than Tuesday itself. Just so you know.
Annnnnd we’ve reached the end of chapter two! Yay! Tune in next week for the shocking and highly unexpected arrival of… chapter three.
And hello chapter three! Every now and again it’s good to set oneself a little illustration challenge with a particular panel. “We fell on them out of the suns” is one such example.
We interrupt the grimdark tale currently in progress for something 75% more Tachelock.
Those are definitely two legally distinct logos in panel one that in no way resemble existing trademarked symbols with mustaches stuck on them. Yes.
I think making up transformer names might be my new favourite pass time.
All credit to my wife for coming up with “Apple Cyphers” as a drink name. Thanks, baby!
That tiny flash in panel two? That’s the last little bit of crime being removed from reality. It was mostly unpaid parking tickets.