I heard this kind of thing happens all the time in America.
Posts authored by Merlin
5:15. Do Right
It’s what’s for dinner.
Second Trick
The first one really was much more impressive.
The Man, The Legend, The Chiken
Cruising my referral logs today I discovered to my joy that Paul “Chiken” Fryer has his website back up and, even cooler, has now finished his long awaited Friends In Spring comic. Go check it out, it’s aces!
In completely unrelated news (and just because I let the cat out of the bag on a thread over at Whitechapel) there’s going to be a French edition of The Last Sane Cowboy coming out later this year from L’An 2. Le Woot! Not much in the way of details yet – it’s still going through the translation process at the moment – but as soon as I know more, so will you.
5:14. Live Right
And don’t get me started about beetroot either.
To Forever
I always lose count when I hit my second googolplex.
5:13. Staying Afraid
Magpies & Elephants
Eight year old topical humour! Woo yeah!