Annnnd that’s the end of chapter five. Next week: Mechra’s back, with a dire warning for Solace! Ooh-er!
Diego: Sol?
Solace: Diego!
Diego: Did I see you waiting with someone?
Solace: Just a friend. One of the regulars from the bar.
Diego: Oh? Am I mistaken, or was that a sexbot chassis they were wearing?
Solace: They’re just a friend, Diego. Now come here, you big idiot.
Diego & Solace: X.O. Heart. Lips. X .O.
Diego: It’s been too long, Sol.
Solace: For me too.
Solace: Come on – let’s get back to my place.
Solace: There are some recent updates to my database I think you’re going to find fascinating.
Caption: Heart. Lips. Eggplant. Octopus.