wow, this one is incredibly epic. first time i’ve commented, if i remember correctly.
I dun get it ._.
Me too, dun get it.
Well, I don’t get it really, but I think the irony resides in that we hear a lowly cab driver pontificate on such an intellectual level as to use psychoanalysis to ponder the relativity of his own existence. This is all done in a proletarian blue collar setting but with a bourgeoisie vernacular… Not just any Taxi driver but that of an immigrant where English is not their first language…i hope was was able to confuse things up for you a little more,,,
Haha, funny.
Of course English is his first language. fccfu, you’re a plonker!
I dont understand how none of you get this,iIts a joke. Stop overthinking things you wannabe intellectuals.
Wow. FCCFU, you’re… dumb. I can’t imagine why you didn’t get it. Doh.
this is brilliant.
This is a work of a genius.
wow, hilarious!
I think the comedy comes in the contrast between panel 2, where the driver talks on a very intellectual, philosophical level about his views of death and mortality. Then he handles it by going out and getting trashed, almost the complete antithesis of an intellectual response.
yeah same hir i dont get this! 🙂
I imagine the hallucinatory symptons got very real when the meter stopped
…this is DEEP.
hah its funny but if u wanna “analyze it” hes going drinking at the end cause of what he said just before about his growing fear and he cant deal with it so drink the probs away!
No, sealy mattresses, he isn’t.
He’s going drinking because he’s a stereotypical working class person.
I think this is my favorite strip so far. This, or the dolphin screaming.
Anon, Although you are partly correct imo, that view also defeats the joke to some extent. He’s drinking because he’s a working class person, but the joke is funny because that’s such a contrast with the highly intellectual and philosophical statement he just made in panel 2.
the joke, to me, is in the transition between the first two panels (the taxi driver sets it up as though death is an average guy in a trivial conversation, but then throws down some truth disguised as “death’s problem” rather than his own; coping with inevitable demise.) the third panel seems supplementary.
The joke is that the taxi driver looks like Burt Reynolds.
I believe that is the gist of it.
The joke is the title (play on ‘Death and Taxes’, natch). The rest just naturally follows. Particularly the drinking.
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wow, this one is incredibly epic. first time i’ve commented, if i remember correctly.
I dun get it ._.
Me too, dun get it.
Well, I don’t get it really, but I think the irony resides in that we hear a lowly cab driver pontificate on such an intellectual level as to use psychoanalysis to ponder the relativity of his own existence. This is all done in a proletarian blue collar setting but with a bourgeoisie vernacular… Not just any Taxi driver but that of an immigrant where English is not their first language…i hope was was able to confuse things up for you a little more,,,
Haha, funny.
Of course English is his first language. fccfu, you’re a plonker!
I dont understand how none of you get this,iIts a joke. Stop overthinking things you wannabe intellectuals.
Wow. FCCFU, you’re… dumb. I can’t imagine why you didn’t get it. Doh.
this is brilliant.
This is a work of a genius.
wow, hilarious!
I think the comedy comes in the contrast between panel 2, where the driver talks on a very intellectual, philosophical level about his views of death and mortality. Then he handles it by going out and getting trashed, almost the complete antithesis of an intellectual response.
yeah same hir i dont get this! 🙂
I imagine the hallucinatory symptons got very real when the meter stopped
…this is DEEP.
hah its funny but if u wanna “analyze it” hes going drinking at the end cause of what he said just before about his growing fear and he cant deal with it so drink the probs away!
No, sealy mattresses, he isn’t.
He’s going drinking because he’s a stereotypical working class person.
I think this is my favorite strip so far. This, or the dolphin screaming.
Anon, Although you are partly correct imo, that view also defeats the joke to some extent. He’s drinking because he’s a working class person, but the joke is funny because that’s such a contrast with the highly intellectual and philosophical statement he just made in panel 2.
the joke, to me, is in the transition between the first two panels (the taxi driver sets it up as though death is an average guy in a trivial conversation, but then throws down some truth disguised as “death’s problem” rather than his own; coping with inevitable demise.) the third panel seems supplementary.
The joke is that the taxi driver looks like Burt Reynolds.
I believe that is the gist of it.
The joke is the title (play on ‘Death and Taxes’, natch). The rest just naturally follows. Particularly the drinking.