Hate to be the ass that corrects other people’s spelling, but… ‘imminent’. ‘Immanent’ destruction would be if the message somehow imprinted the philosophical idea of destruction into your very self.
Maybe that’s what I meant? Okay, no, I guess it wasn’t. Will fix later on today – well spotted!
I think misspelling in a spam message adds verisimilitude.
Spam is traditionally full of typos anyway – i thought it was deliberate.
Just catching up with these, and I have to say, I prefer Immanent destruction. An E Mail that imprints the philosophical idea of destruciton onto your very self – now THAT sounds like a pretty dangerous pieced of spam !
Look! This is SPAM too!… O_o
ima try out the 2nd one on the nxt ppl i spamz0r! XDXDXD
[btw this site pwnz! thanx 4 all da funny shit! XD =D]
New tactics for blog spammers:
– go completely off topic and talk *$h!t, people will feel sorry for you and leave your link up
– hide the fact that you don’t have anything much to contribute to the discussion by pretending you were cut off half wa
E-merl uses cookies in some magical way or other to ensure that the website does basically what you expect a website to do. E-merl is neither smart nor evil enough to do bad things with cookies. Occasionally E-merl eats too many cookies, but this is a separate category of problem and not something you need to worry about. If you continue to use E-merl, we assume you're broadly okay with all of this.Okay
Hate to be the ass that corrects other people’s spelling, but… ‘imminent’. ‘Immanent’ destruction would be if the message somehow imprinted the philosophical idea of destruction into your very self.
Maybe that’s what I meant? Okay, no, I guess it wasn’t. Will fix later on today – well spotted!
I think misspelling in a spam message adds verisimilitude.
Spam is traditionally full of typos anyway – i thought it was deliberate.
Just catching up with these, and I have to say, I prefer Immanent destruction. An E Mail that imprints the philosophical idea of destruciton onto your very self – now THAT sounds like a pretty dangerous pieced of spam !
Look! This is SPAM too!… O_o
ima try out the 2nd one on the nxt ppl i spamz0r! XDXDXD
[btw this site pwnz! thanx 4 all da funny shit! XD =D]
New tactics for blog spammers:
– go completely off topic and talk *$h!t, people will feel sorry for you and leave your link up
– hide the fact that you don’t have anything much to contribute to the discussion by pretending you were cut off half wa
*cue Monty Python* “Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam Spam, wonderful Spam!”