…hold a naming competition?
Our country? It’s called….
Anyone else?
The Kingdom of… wait… is it…
The United… something something?
Maybe we have a symbol instead of a name? You know, like that pop star Squiggle-Hash-Umlaut.
Fascinating. So nobody remembers?
Nobody I’ve asked. And it doesn’t stop there.
Our country’s location in the world, its shape, borders, neighbours – no one knows any of it. Even our maps are blank.
I believe the royal cartographer prefers the term “infinitely updatable.”
You knew about this!?!
Only the bit about the maps! At the time it sounded like a valid approach to cost saving.
What does this mean!?
Or was it Umlaut-Hash-Squiggle?
Leadership powers: Activate.
Okay! Everybody listen up!
Here’s what we’re going to do.