Sorry the strip is up late. Drawing wings on all the angels in panel one took longer than I expected.
Comics, Webcomics & Hypercomics by Daniel Merlin Goodbrey
Sorry the strip is up late. Drawing wings on all the angels in panel one took longer than I expected.
I’m going to be one of those really annoying people who nitpick. The angel on the head of a pin thing is a philosophical problem contemplating whether more than one angel can be in the same place at the same time, not that they are really tiny. That said, ignore it! ‘Cos this is hilarious!
I’m going to be one of those really annoying people who nitpick. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ANGELS, NOR IS THERE A GOD. So the argument is pointless you git.
If they removed their wings, they’d transubstantiate into human beings, so you’re BOTH wrong! SO THERE!
hey nemisis dude
prove that there’s no god
Me: Burden of proof is on the person claiming the existence of a given entity or idea.
No God is the default state. It is your job to prove that there is a God, not the atheist’s job to prove there isn’t.
God is about Faith. Proving or disproving said entity’s existence is futile as it has nothing to do with logic. 😀
You all nitpicked about the wrong thing. How about the misuse of “irony”? It’d be ironic if they decided against removing their wings and then they somehow had something bad happen to them BECAUSE of the wings. Not being able to fly after taking off your wings is about as ironic as an Alanis Morrisette song.
Like the comic. 🙂