If you have no idea what the above strip is talking about then count your blessings.
Twitter works on SMS. Joke failed.
Or… maybe he doesn’t have a mobile phone? Joke on!
Well…he is phoning the emergency services, and even home phones can do SMS nowadays. Joke e-failed
SMS network send can fail while you still make calls. Maybe you should ‘tweet’ about how you think the comic isn’t funny.
Knowing twitter works on SMS = Fail
Knowing home phones can do SMS = Epic Fail
Correcting e-failed to *re-failed = provide physical address for punch in face
iFal… or iPhail?
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Twitter works on SMS. Joke failed.
Or… maybe he doesn’t have a mobile phone? Joke on!
Well…he is phoning the emergency services, and even home phones can do SMS nowadays. Joke e-failed
SMS network send can fail while you still make calls. Maybe you should ‘tweet’ about how you think the comic isn’t funny.
Knowing twitter works on SMS = Fail
Knowing home phones can do SMS = Epic Fail
Correcting e-failed to *re-failed = provide physical address for punch in face
iFal… or iPhail?