A new level of hell reserved just for me? How kind!
Is there another level of hell reserved for those who laughed at this?
If there is, I’ll meet you guys there!
Be a smarty, join the nazi party!
Riech and roll is dead.
Hilter- rap is the sound
infecting the kids.
So far, one hitlerrap-comic-strip, one hitler-rap-video, and one hitler-rap-haiku? I can’t wait to see you guys down there…
no lie, I laughed so hard at this my boss told me to laugh more quietly if I’m not going to do my work.
TWO hitler-rap-videos!
Is this… is this the birth of a new meme? My God, it’s beautiful….
[…] Something is rotten in the state of E-merl. addthis_url = ‘http%3A%2F%2Fe-merl.com%2F2009-08-11-bi-polar’; addthis_title = ‘Bi+Polar+’; addthis_pub = ‘stillmerlin’; […]
[…] this madness never end? addthis_url = ‘http%3A%2F%2Fe-merl.com%2F2009-08-13-hitler-cool’; addthis_title […]
[…] At last the horror is over! (Or is it? Dun-dun-DUNN!) addthis_url = ‘http%3A%2F%2Fe-merl.com%2F2009-08-18-perchance’; addthis_title = ‘Perchance’; addthis_pub = ‘stillmerlin’; […]
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Is there another level of hell reserved for those who laughed at this?
If there is, I’ll meet you guys there!
Be a smarty, join the nazi party!
Riech and roll is dead.
Hilter- rap is the sound
infecting the kids.
So far, one hitlerrap-comic-strip, one hitler-rap-video, and one hitler-rap-haiku? I can’t wait to see you guys down there…
no lie, I laughed so hard at this my boss told me to laugh more quietly if I’m not going to do my work.
TWO hitler-rap-videos!
Is this… is this the birth of a new meme? My God, it’s beautiful….
[…] Something is rotten in the state of E-merl. addthis_url = ‘http%3A%2F%2Fe-merl.com%2F2009-08-11-bi-polar’; addthis_title = ‘Bi+Polar+’; addthis_pub = ‘stillmerlin’; […]
[…] this madness never end? addthis_url = ‘http%3A%2F%2Fe-merl.com%2F2009-08-13-hitler-cool’; addthis_title […]
[…] At last the horror is over! (Or is it? Dun-dun-DUNN!) addthis_url = ‘http%3A%2F%2Fe-merl.com%2F2009-08-18-perchance’; addthis_title = ‘Perchance’; addthis_pub = ‘stillmerlin’; […]