Posts authored by Merlin
20.8. Beg To Differ
Gasp! Was Mechra the Robovamp all along?
20.7. In Reverse
He’s clearly thought this through.
20.6. Exactly Famous
Tachelock Holmes Fights Crime! – new spin off series?
20.5. All Neck
If Tachelock is saving the day, then the day is in trouble.
20.4. Totally Drained
JEDCØP – the voice of reason-adjacent panic.
20.3. Sucking Expertise
X2 – the voice of sucking-related reason.
20.2. Apples And Pears
X2, secret Robot Twilight fan?
20.1. The Vampire of Altergate 10-Theta-D
Meanwhile, in the Sterotypically British sector…
19.11. Keep Well Clear
Definitely not foreshadowing! No Sir! Nothing to see here! Move along!